Flammkuchen mit Karottensalate und Gurkensalat

My boyfriend Ben made this delicious German meal for me last night. It is lovely and light, and very tasty.


For the Flammkuchen:
200 g flour 
2 tablespoons oil
125 ml water
1 pinch salt
1 tablespoon butter
200 g creme fraiche (or sour cream)
200 g onions, sliced
100 g bacon (or prosciutto), sliced thin

German smoked cheese (optional but very tasty), 25g
Chives (also optional), handful- finely chopped
salt and pepper

For the Karottensalate:
2 carrots, grates
Handful of dill, finely chopped
Olive oil
Lemon juice
White wine vinegar
Salt n pepper

Mix together the carrots and dill. Whisk up the dressing ingredients, and stir into the carrot mix.

For the Gurkensalat:
Half a cucumber, peeled, chopped in half length ways and then sliced
3 tbsp crème fraîche
1 tsp paprika
Salt n pepper 

Mix together the crème fraîche, paprika and the salt and pepper, then mix in the cucumber. 

To make the Flammkuchen... 
Preheat oven to the highest temperature possible.

Thoroughly mix flour, oil, water and salt to make a dough (should not be sticky) and roll out as thin as possible.

Optional: Heat some butter in a pan and add the bacon, stir and heat through. If you slice the onion thinly then you won't need to sautée it before putting it on.

Spread creme fraiche on top of dough, then spread onions and bacon on top of it. Add the sliced German cheese, season with salt and pepper and then sprinkle over the chives. 

Put in the oven and bake for about 10-20 minutes. Once the bread looks crispy, and is nice and golden, it's done.


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