Menemen - turkish one pot wonder food

This is a quick and easy, slapdash, add-as-much-spice-as-you-like mix of vegetables with paprika and eggs, all cooked in one pot. My version is even more colourful than the orthodox Turkish type because I had a leek to hand and added that as well - anything goes.

Half or a whole onion
1 leek (optional)
2-3 peppers - you choose the colours
1-2 chillis (I used 2 chillis, seeds and all, and it was a nice spicy medium-hot)
4 eggs

Slice the onion, peppers, leek (if using) and add to a large, hot frying pan with a good dusting of paprika.
Add the chilli(s) - I usually snip them with scissors directly into the pan, throwing the seeds in as well, to avoid getting my fingers covered in hot chilli juice (which can end in tears).
Fry until the veg is getting soft - around 10 mins - then add a can of tomatoes. Keep bubbling, with the lid off, so that the sauce evaporates and thickens up a bit - 5mins should do depending on how saucy/not saucy you like it.
Make 4 little wells in the mixture and crack an egg into each. Put the lid on the pan and cook until the eggs are just set.
Eat with lots of crusty bread to mop up the juices, and ice-cold beer in case the chillis catch you out.
Could also be very tasty with big puddles of mozzarella melted on top, or a less Mediterranean but nonetheless delicious sprinkling of cheddar.


  1. I made a dish very similar to this last night and it was delicious. So easy to make, and with few ingredients. The base of the Huevos meal was a tomato sauce with 4 spring onions (sliced) and two jalapeno peppers (sliced with seeds included) fried with the garlic before adding the tinned toms. Then a tea spoon of tomato puree and of vegetable powder stock mixed in a simmered for 5 minutes before cracking in the eggs. I then sprinkled some feta cheese on the top...yum.


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